Top Secret Level
What do the TS LVL's signify? Who placed the plaques for levels 3 and 4 in their spots? So many questions but here is what we do know...
The first level unlocked comes with a message, presumably from Mr.B to Madison. It mentions that he will return to the future with their son, Marcus, and will enable level 1 to help Madison slow down the Agency's progression.
Requirements : Click stack of papers in X-Ray Hideout
Note these are the same steps as getting the TS Level 1 Special Tool
- At the barn, go upstairs and click on the button found on a post.
- You will see a message appear on the top of your screen
TS LVL 1 Authorized!
and the Agency Bunker will now readTS [LVL 1] Permissible
Level 2 appears once carbon blocks have spawned through the town, but it's interesting as the message says, "Mirrored Successfully." in the quantum room. So what was mirrored? The Secret Level or something else? How is the Agency's note that appears after the carbon blocks appear related?
Requirements : Steps 1-2 of Destroy Carbon Blocks Quest
- Once you have successfully summoned a Carbon Block in the Quantum Room, you should see a message on the wall
TS LVL 2 [Mirrored Successfully] Carbon burn commencing
Level 3 and Level 4 are the only ones found as a plaque hidden somewhere of significance. Who put them there?
Requirements : None
- Go inside of the Agency Bunker and then place down a Sleeping Bag in the wall to the right of the secret door to see the TS LVL3 Plaque
The last known plaque is inside the Agency RP House (aka the agency dungeon). I'm speculating, but it seems these plaques are left behind as a breadcrumb for someone to know that the immediate area is important.
Requirements : None
- Go inside of the Agency RP House and then place down a Sleeping Bag or freecam in into the block to the right of the ladder to see the TS LVL4 Plaque