Agency Bunker Message Board inside
Immediately after completing A18 the message board reads
“Carbon ingot articulating Arch forcefield :NO ERRORS :A18”
If you wait ~13 to 14 hours in game, and I mean do nothing, monoliths will stop appearing and bunker message will update with:
“Arch forcefield center mass taken offline: Continue with caution! :A18”
A18 will shut off once this message has appeared.
When I tested this it was the first quest I did on a fresh server, then sat in front of the agency bunker message till it changed. Once I started doing other secret quests, a18 was no longer lit up. The second test I did this quest first and then worked on other quests thinking the monolith message would change after the 13/14 hr mark. It did not
Quantum Steam + Monoliths
See Mysterious Steam for more details
It’s been observed that Monolith's spawning pattern matches when Quantum Steam occurs.
When the Quantum room begins to steam it means a monolith has despawned. Once the steam stops, a new Monolith location will appear on both Message Boards. The monolith will remain there until the steam appears again.
Agency Bunker Message Board outside
Notice just outside of the Agency Bunker a new Message Board appears.
The message on the wall, it's always prepended with ***()***
Future Motel Message Board
Also found Monolith code behind the motel, prepended with <^^>