Mysterious Steam

You can cause steam to happen in one of the 4 rooms in the Quantum Room.

But what does the steam mean, and why does it only happen when Monoliths appear?

Create Steam

Requirements :


  1. Click on the Camera on the mountain near Madison Lake: Activates A09

  2. Go to the Town Hall

    1. Turn on the Danger switch Activates A01 and make sure High Voltage is off
    2. Turn Water Valve 2,3 and 4 (where counting 1-5 from left to right): Activates: V08. Brookhaven Electric will read the following, this is needed!

    Coolers running at 54% capacity

  3. Go to the Secret X-ray Hideout Room in the Hospital.

    1. Click on the blue button underneath the table
  4. Stay inside the room that you spawned in the Quantum Room.

    1. It will take anywhere from 30 min - 2h in game for steam to start in the Quantum Room.
    2. Steam will last for ~30 min in game and on completion the floor will flash black.
    3. Steam starts after a Monolith has despawned.
    4. When steam stops and the floor flashes black, a new monolith has spawned.
Thank you Wolfpaq's Discord community, PhD_socrates specifically for sharing my steps were a little off :D

Right after the steam stops and the floor flashes black, this means a new Monolith has spawned!

Checkout locations of Monoliths.

When a Monolith Despawns, this is when steam starts in the quantum room.

Monolith actively despawning, fading away

Why do Monoliths cause steam in here? Is it because of energy building up to create another monolith?

Steam in Quantum Room after a monolith despawns.

Once a new monolith has spawned, the floor where steam once was will flash black.

Quantum Room Floor Flashes Black when a new Monolith has spawned.
Brookhaven 🏡RP Mystery unofficial guide