Window Messages

Lake Madison Camera

We met in secret

Requirements : None


  1. Click on the Camera on the mountain near Lake Madison.
  2. Head to the secret X-Ray Room in the Hospital.
  3. Dive under the Water and you should see this note in the mirror.

Quantum Window Message from clicking Camera

Plant RP House Book

The bottom of a hill...

Requirements : None


  1. Spawn the Plant House
    1. Click on the Quantum Theory Book downstairs on the table.
  2. Head to the secret X-Ray Room in the Hospital.
  3. Dive under the Water and you should see this note in the mirror.

Quantum Window Message from clicking Camera

Military RP Binoculars

Within the green...

Requirements : None


  1. Spawn the Military RP House
    1. Go upstairs to the next level that looks like a conference room. It has a lot of chairs facing a white board.
    2. Click on the binoculars sitting on the table.
  2. Head to the secret X-Ray Room in the Hospital.
  3. Dive under the Water and you should see this note in the mirror.

Quantum Window Message from clicking Camera

Brookhaven 🏡RP Mystery unofficial guide