Contribute to Website

In github we are taking in "issues" to submit your request to add something, point out a mistake in the website, or questions about the website.

You will need to have a github account in order to submit an issue, if this isn't an option for you see how you can still contribute in the discord section.

Head on over to this sites repo where you can open an issue.

Types of requests

Currently we expect 3 types of issues to come in.

Add New Info

We only update the website as new secrets and mysteries unfold in the game. If we haven't added something yet, let us know by requesting to Add New Info.

Update Info

Perhaps steps are different now, or we missed something. For an update to the site go to Update Info.

spelling is hard too...


General questions about the site, maybe you aren't sure how to navigate around. Let us know if you have website Questions!

For questions about the game or discuss idea's about secrets checkout the Discord section.