Fear & Greed: Change Plaques and Unlock New Teleports
Before starting these steps, take a look at a hidden message on the rock!
Other Rooms: None
Number of Bars: 6
Completes: 4
- Change the name plaques under the pictures to “Greed” and “Fear”
- Click on the button under the table
- This unlocks 2 new teleports
- Change the red curtains to black - This step creates the purple orb when done correctly!
- Unlocks 2 more rooms to TP to
- The message on the rock has changed...
- Click the button behind the rock
- must be sitting on rock to show it
- Adds tp pic to portal room
- Take a nap in one of the coffins.
- Click on Code Button to turn it green.
- Return to Step 4 of Generator Room