Fear & Greed: Change Plaques and Unlock New Teleports

Image of Fear and Greed's room in the Agency RP house Image of Fear and Greed's room in the Agency RP house

Before starting these steps, take a look at a hidden message on the rock!


Other Rooms: None

Number of Bars: 6


Completes: 4 bars

  1. Change the name plaques under the pictures to “Greed” and “Fear”
    1. Click on the button under the table
    2. This unlocks 2 new teleports
  2. Change the red curtains to black - This step creates the purple orb when done correctly!
    1. Unlocks 2 more rooms to TP to
    2. The message on the rock has changed...
  3. Click the button behind the rock
    1. must be sitting on rock to show it
    2. Adds tp pic to portal room
  4. Take a nap in one of the coffins.
  5. Click on Code Button to turn it green.
  6. Return to Step 4 of Generator Room

Helpful Pics

Click Tab ->
Picture of Fear Picture of Fear Picture of Greed Picture of Greed
Hidden red button under the table in Fear and Greed's Room Hidden red button under the table in Fear and Greed's Room
View of curtains that need to be black in Fear and Greed's Room View of curtains that need to be black in Fear and Greed's Room View of curtains that need to be black in Fear and Greed's Room View of curtains that need to be black in Fear and Greed's Room

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