Finish All Rooms

Image of completed rooms in the Agency RP house Image of completed rooms in the Agency RP house

Every room now as a hidden button that needs to be clicked. This will complete every rooms progress except for the portal.



  1. Fear & Greed
    • Click button on ceiling in hallway where TP pics are (just in front of the curtain)
  2. Generator
    • Go up the now present ladder and press the button
  3. Kids Room
    • Click button under bed
  4. Main Room
    • Click hidden button on the left side of agency logo
  5. Cell Room
    • Click button under bench on the side where the questions are
  6. Lab/Capsules
    • There should be a button on top of the capsule with the star pic above it.
  7. Confirm
    • Head back to the main room to check rooms 1-6 have all bars above their pic as green. Then head to the Portal room.

Helpful Pics

you can click images to enlarge them

Button location in Fear and Greed's Room Button location in Fear and Greed's Room Button location in Generator Room Button location in Generator Room Button location in Kids Room Button location in Kids Room Button location in Main Room Button location in Main Room Button location in Cell Room Button location in Cell Room Button location in Lab and Capsules Room Button location in Lab and Capsules Room Progress of rooms is completed except portal room Progress of rooms is completed except portal room Progress of rooms is completed Progress of rooms is completed

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