Portal Room: Unlock the Gateway in the Dungeon

Image of the Portal room in the Agency RP house Image of the Portal room in the Agency RP house

An ominous room with 5 coffins in a circle with one of them under a stonehenge


Number of Bars: 4


Completes: 4* bars, one is already done when we begin the quest.

  1. Click the button on the right of the stonehenge.
  2. Change the coffin colors.
    1. The first one is under the stonehenge with the buttons is black, the ones on the left and right of black are red, and the last 2 are white.
    2. Now change the coffin colors in Fear & Greed to Yellow
  3. Head to labs and flick the laser light off and then back on
    1. Lasers should be red
  4. Head back to portal room and click second button


Helpful Pics

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Coffin under a stonehenge with 2 buttons on the side Coffin under a stonehenge with 2 buttons on the side
Coffins in the Portal room with different colors Coffins in the Portal room with different colors Coffins in the Fear and Greed room are yellow Coffins in the Fear and Greed room are yellow
The lasers in the lab and capsules room are red The lasers in the lab and capsules room are red
The portal is opened and reveals a black coffin spinning in the middle The portal is opened and reveals a black coffin spinning in the middle

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