Agency Greed: Unlock the Secret Lair in the Warehouse
Clips by O1G and Darzeth
All of these steps will be in the Shipping / Criminal RP house.
These steps are broken into 2 parts
Side Quests: None
Optional: Connect Laptop
Criminal Lair
- Load the Shipping RP
- Upon entering the building, you will see a mop; just like the original criminal base, you will need to click on it to reveal a secret room.
- Go down the stairs where you will see a desk, a holding cell, and the safe location. This is the Criminal Lair.
Agency Lair
Go to the Criminal Lair under the Shipping RP house.
By the desk there is a button that will unlock a hidden door.
Place money in hand, as the note from Marcus suggested, and go through the lasers.
You are now in the Agency's Lair
There is a hidden spot to click on the desk in this green room. It’s part of the desk panel underneath.
This will reveal the Agency logo behind the desk and the words “Greed & Fear” behind one of the maps
OPTIONAL If you have connected your laptop: After sitting in the chairs, open your laptop to see a new message from the Agency. *We still need confirmation if all chairs or just one need to be sat in.
Follow blindly, do not think. Money is everything!. (Agency)