Build Portal

Lets build stuff!


Side Quest : The Red Book

Items Needed : Hammer, optional Binoculars


  1. Go to the motel - it should look run down (it's from the future)

    1. Click on the book underneath the table
    2. Click on the frame of the empty picture by the door
    3. Click on the button found behind the bedside table
      1. Activates X02

      2. Laptop

        The power of The Book will lead you to construct what is needed to destroy our enemy. {Agency}

      3. Bunker Message

        The Book power unveiled [Follow]: [X02] activated

      4. Notice the device on the floor tells us what year we are in Manufactured in Brookhaven: 2028

        Click Tab ->

        Device on the floor of the motel in the future.

        Device in Future Motel Room Device in Future Motel Room

        Closeup of the device, we can see it was manufactured in Brookhaven in the year 2028

        Device in Future Motel Room close up showing manufactured in brookhaven 2028 Device in Future Motel Room close up showing manufactured in brookhaven 2028

      5. There is a message behind the White Chair on the left side:

        The Book will tell you what to do next, follow its lead and do not think for yourself. In the future as we recruit from the common, be mindful of double agents.

  2. Go to the Agency Base

    1. Behind the Agency Base you should see boxes, use the Hammer on them until they have all disappeared. *Hit F to type 3 so you hear a hitting sound*
    2. When completed you will briefly see an orb
      1. Activates A16

      2. Bunker Message: *note excelerator is misspelled should it be accelerator?*

        Hydrogen beam excelerator complete: [A16] activated


If you click the Bedside Table Button in the Future Room and get an Error Message on the top right of your screen, the Agency Bunker will show this on the board. This means it has already been clicked and the boxes are still behind the Agency Bunker. Red Book Location Red Book Location