Plant House: Unlock Quantum Room's Hidden Message

There's something special that reveals a hidden message


Side Quests : None


  1. Spawn in the Plant House

  2. In the Basement Area - click on the Green Plant Book

    1. Activates H06

    2. Bunker Message:

      Plant Quantum Saved: [H06]

  3. Quantum Room has new message on one of the "windows":

    Seek the bottom of a hill to find the dirt that once was filled

    1. Hint is likely telling us to "Go to a graveyard".

      When you seek the bottom of a hill, you are descending to lower ground. The "dirt that once was filled" refers to the soil that was once in the spot where the hole is now. By digging a hole, you can uncover the dirt that was displaced or removed from its original location, leaving a hole in the ground. Therefore, seeking the bottom of a hill leads you to a hole where you can find the dirt that was once there.