Green Key Card

The green card does something...


Side Quests : None

Items Needed : Shovel

Note you don't need to be present to see all of the crows. So long as you are by the fence between 8:30am - 9am in game you can dig for the green card.


  1. Obtain Green Key Card

    • Look for the crows behind the Barn:
      • Near the Scarecrow at 7:00am
      • On Top of the Barn at 7:30am
      • On top of the Light Post at 8:00am
      • On the Fence behind the barn on the far left at 8:30am
        • Dig with a Shovel below the crow on the fence and you will pick up a Green Key Card. May need to move around a bit.
    • These steps are the A15 code, it only lights up on the Agency Bunker panel during a specific time.
  2. Message from Laptop:

    Use this key wisely, it may open something you are not ready to see. (Mr. B)

  3. Swipe card next to Bunker Panel:

    • At Agency Bunker use green key card next to the panel; the light will turn from White to Blue and bunker message will show Key card accepted
    • This unlocks the button under the table in the Agency Bunker.
      • The button doesn't seem to do anything yet.
Click Tab ->

This Crow spawns around 7am behind the barn near the scarecrow.

scarecrow scarecrow

This Crow spawns around 7:30am on top of the Barn.

crow 1 crow 1

This Crow spawns around 8am by the light post.

crow 2 crow 2

This Crow spawns around 8:30am by the fence. When this crow appears it is time to dig for the green card.

crow 3 crow 3