Connect Laptop

Connecting the laptop will allow you to see important messages from The Agency and Mr. Brookhaven throughout quests and casebook items.

Interestingly, on connecting, the Agency Light Panel message shows the Arch Main Power has been inverted, but why?


Side Quests : None

Items Needed :

  • Laptop
  • Ladder (to get on roof of church)
Click Tab ->

This is the house you need to spawn. Upstairs is an attic you can get to, this is where you'll find the crystal needed to attempt syncing your laptop.

h04 house, grey 3 roofs h04 house, grey 3 roofs

Here is the button on top of the church that needs to be clicked.

Button on Church Roof Button on Church Roof

Here is the button on the coffin in the church that needs to be clicked.

You need to be standing on the glowing platform when you click this button

Button on coffin inside church Button on coffin inside church

If you have completed all the steps successfully you will be teleported to the arch closest to the barn.

If you did not teleport, check that you have the crystal in your inventory and that you have clicked the button on the church roof.

teleported to arch and connected laptop teleported to arch and connected laptop


  1. In house shown above, go to the Attic and grab the Crystal
    • Should get a sync failed message on your computer
    • Activates H04
  2. Click the button on the top of the Church Roof.
  3. Inside the Church, click the button behind the coffin, must be standing on lightened area
  4. Should connect to laptop now, will be teleported to the Arch close to the barn when successful
  • Crystal by Paradise Falls appears after collecting the crystal in the attic.

    Paradise Falls Crystal Paradise Falls Crystal

  • The crystal in the blue apartment (penthouse game-pass) can also be clicked but does not unlock the button on top of the Church Roof.


Thank you Wolfpaq's Discord community, chess piece #2 specifically for calling out better verbiage for connect laptop!